Do you want to find out a bit more about hypnobirthing to see if it's the right fit for you?  


To watch a recording of one of the masterclasses, please click the button below and email me to access 20% one of my online courses. 

Due to ill health, I am currently unable to run any in-person classes. This is why I can only offer you a recording of a masterclass right now and access to 20% off my online courses:


July Classes Click Here For All In-Person Classes and Zoom Classes

The 20 essential elements of Hypnobirthing (what you'll learn):


  1. The Physiology Of Birth (stages of labour, what happens during contractions, what they feel like and how to manage them)
  2. Calming Breathing Techniques for cervical dilation stage and birthing stage
  3. How to Overcome The Fear Of Childbirth through hypnosis, meditation and other powerful mindset tools
  4. How to create a Positive Birth Setting in any location so you feel relaxed and at ease in your surroundings
  5. How your Birth Partner can play a supportive, hands-on role in labour and keep you calm and comfortable
  6. Optimal Baby Positioning techniques for a smooth vaginal birth
  7. Baby Bonding Practices for you & your partner to connect with your baby more deeply in the womb
  8. Gentle Touch Massage Techniques for deep relaxation during pregnancy & childbirth - pain relieving techniques
  9. How to strengthen & release your Pelvic Floor muscles to prevent incontinence & help with the birthing stage of labour
  10. How to Avoid Vaginal Tearing during childbirth so you heal fast after giving birth
  11. Natural Induction Of Labour techniques
  12. The Medical Induction Process and how to have a Positive Induction using hypnobirthing techniques
  13. How to use Natural Pain Relieving Tools during labour
  14. The Best Labour & Birth Positions to adopt for comfort, relaxation and a shorter labour
  15. Vaginal Exams and how to stay calm during them
  16. Chemical Pain Relief Guidance - the pros, cons & side effects so you can make informed choices
  17. What Happens After Birth -birthing your placenta, placenta consumption advice, cutting baby's cord.
  18. How to have a calm & empowering unplanned or elective C-Section
  19. Practical guidance for completing your Birth Preferences
  20. How to make informed choices and advocate for yourself to ensure that you and your baby are safe and well.

July Classes All In-Person Classes and Zoom Classes

Hypnobirthing teaches you how to:

  • Feel at ease and empowered throughout the remainder of your pregnancy
  • Eliminate the fear of childbirth and replace any anxiety with positivity, calm and self-confidence
  • Manage and reduce pain during childbirth
  • Learn how to relax and work with your body during each stage of the birth process
  • Create a relaxing and nurturing birth setting
  • Have a hands-on birth partner who knows how to support you and advocate for you ;)
  • Gain clarity about your birth choices so you feel in control of your baby's birth
  • Shorten your time in labour
  • Maximize your baby's health and safety as well as your own

If you are short on time or cannot attend my 'live' classes- you can sign up to an online hypnobirthing course and access all modules on demand - learning hypnobirthing anywhere, anytime!

Click here for the online hypnobirthing courses

Hypnobirthing On Youtube!

I set up a hypnobirthing YouTube channel in 2020. Check it out below and subscribe for weekly videos ;)

Hypnobirthing With Anja YouTube
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