Childbirth can be challenging physically and emotionally but it doesn't need to be a negative or traumatic experience for you. Your mind is so powerful and if you believe in yourself and are thinking positive and uplifting thoughts, your labour can be calm, smooth and very empowering.
The problem is many women start to think negative or fearful thoughts during childbirth (especially when contractions get stronger and longer). They can start doubting themselves - distrusting their birthing abilities. This negative thinking affects the body causing tension and stress. This can lead to birth becoming painful and increase the risk of medical interventions.
On the other hand, positive thinking increases self-confidence and self-belief. Hypnobirthing affirmations can boost your confidence during labour, preventing negativity, worry, fear, and tension so you can feel grounded and empowered throughout childbirth.
Affirmations are essentially positive statements that challenge negative thinking patterns. Positive affirmations rewire your brain to think more optimistically. This positive thinking creates proactive behaviour that helps you achieve goals, change unhealthy habits or shift emotions to produce more favourable outcomes.
Using Birth Affirmations During Pregnancy
Like any muscle in the body, the more you exercise your brain, the stronger it gets. Practicing self-affirmation throughout pregnancy will make these birth affirmations more powerful and helpful in labour. You can write out hypnobirthing affirmations onto pieces of coloured card or post-it notes and display them around your home where you will see them each day. Every time you see one, say it out-loud and stroke your baby bump, take a deep breath in and out and say "And so it is" The more you do this, the more confidence you will feel about giving birth.
Using Birth Affirmations During Birth
On the big day itself, in your birth room, use blue-tac to stick your hypnobirthing affirmations up around your room and use them as labouring stations. Every 30 or 45 minutes switch stations by moving over to another group of birth affirmation cards. Make sure your birth partner knows these birth affirmations. Have them speak the affirmations over you and your baby to remind you how strong and amazing you are!
Here Are The Best Hypnobirthing Affirmations:
I am relaxed and calm
My baby and I are safe
My body and my baby work together as a team
My baby is the perfect size for my body
I trust my maternal instincts, I know what to do
My body is capable and strong
I embrace all the sensations of birth
I inhale deeply to meet each contraction
I ride each wave and trust my body
I release all tension
I allow loving hormones to flow through me
My contractions cannot be stronger than me because they are me
As my labour progresses, I relax more deeply
I let go and allow my body to open
Birth is powerful but so am I
I feel confident, capable and calm
I am surrounded by love
My body was made to do this
My body gives birth in its own time
I have patience with my body and my baby
I am focussed on a smooth birth
My cervix opens with ease
I get into comfortable positions which feel right for me
I breathe calm energy into my body and down to my baby
I have complete faith in my body's strength and wisdom
Each contraction brings my baby one step closer to me
I trust my baby and our birth journey
I look forward to holding my baby in my arms
I focus on slow, deep breaths in and out
I was made to do this
My care team are by my side and on my side
I am surrounded by supportive people
I soften, I open, I release
I am focussed on a peaceful, gentle birth experience
My body and my baby are healthy and strong
I breathe myself calmly through labour
My body knows how to give birth
My baby knows when and how to be born
My baby is born at the perfect time
I welcome my baby with open arms and an open heart
I am so excited about meeting my baby
🌟You can purchase these hypnobirthing affirmations as an audio track here🌟:
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